The malicious little bug called COVID19 is to social interaction, not to mention marital intimacy, as the Volstead Act was to drinking. Leslie spent a week self-quarantined, after being exposed to virus at her hairdresser’s (See #27). She was tested at a clinic last Tuesday, and got the results on Thursday: Negative. The axiom, Only with medical tests is a negative a positive, was never more true for us. This morning, I drove her to Stamford Hospital, where she received her second dose of the Moderna vaccine. So now, with the happy test results and completed inoculations for both of us, we can again sleep in the same bed, kiss each other, hold hands. Next Saturday, barring some unforeseen event, we will load up the 4Runner and head west to our place in Arizona. Having watched “Nomadland” on Hulu last night, we’re eager to once more hear the song of our tires rolling down a highway.

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