I signed today, April 11, 2015, a film option with Stephen Altman and David Levy for my first novel, Horn of Africa., published in 1980. This novel has a long history in Hollywood (which I use as a generic term for the movie industry). It was optioned by Michael Douglas’s production company for six years back in the late 80s to early 90s, and was an “almost” with Paramount Productions years ago. Almost, of course, counts only in horseshoes and hand grenades.Hoping for a bullseye this time around. For the uninitiated, an option only means that the Purchaser, in this case Altman and Levy, holds the rights to a book for a certain period of time, during which they will attempt to bring it to the screen by signing up a director, a lead actor, a studio, a screenwriter, or all four. The journey from option to finished film is thus long and fraught with obstacles.

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