I invite visitors to this site to read this review of my 2009 novel, “Crossers”. http://brooklynbugle.com/2013/04/19/brooklyn-bugle-book-club-crossers-by-philip-caputo. It sums up the book quite well.

“Crossers” attempts to present a complex portrait, a mosaic in words, if you will, of what life is like “on the line:” the frontier between the U.S. and Mexico, between two cultures. It’s also story about the moral and emotional crossings people  make, prodded by circumstances and their own characters.

Immigration and border issues have returned to the front burner in Washington, and to the front pages, but those issues can come across as abstractions to those who live far from the border. I think, in my own admittedly prejudiced estimation, that the novel brings life to them. If truth is often stranger than fiction, fiction can be truer than fact by illuminating the recesses of the human heart and mind beyond the range of the media’s lights. As Ezra Pound observed, literature is news that stays news.

Read more about Crossers on this site.

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